Sunday, March 4, 2012

Pink Is Not A Color

Much to the dismay of girly girls everywhere, 
the popular press announced this week that pink is not a color.

Apparently there is no such thing as reflected pink light, 
and the color doesn't exist in the rainbow.

Maybe that's why pink seems to get along so well with everyone else. 
Designers pair it with brown,



even orange and black.

More than a few childrens' retailers would be out of business if not for pink.


So it may not be an official color, but that hardly matters. 
Just something else to contemplate while sitting poolside at my favorite pink palace, 
the Beverly Hills Hotel.

Long Live the Pink Palace

pink paints we like:

benjamin moore 1156 puppy paws

duron 7390W april blush

sherwin williams 7110 cosmetic blush
